Public Utilities
The Town of Windsor owns and operates a water system. The Town’s water system is served by two high capacity wells, and two above ground storage tanks. The vast majority of the Town of Windsor is served by this system.
Water service is billed bimonthly. Each new water customer is required to pay a deposit of $75 and a non-refundable administration fee of $30. The water rate is $8.50 per 1,000 gallons with a minimum bill of $29.75.
When water service to any premises is disconnected by the Town for any reason, only an authorized Town representative shall reconnect water service. A reconnection fee may be required if service is disconnected for non-payment of the utility bill.
Water leaks are handled by the town's maintenance personnel. After hours emergencies should be reported to the Isle of Wight Central Dispatch at 357-2151 who will contact the appropriate town personnel.
In accordance with state and federal regulations the Windsor Water Department prepares an annual water quality report. A link to the report is located at the bottom of this page.
Sewer service is available in certain areas of the Town of Windsor by the Isle of Wight County Department of Public Utilities, 365-6319, in coordination with the Hampton Roads Sanitation District. Please contact these offices with specific questions about sewer service.
Public Works
The Town of Windsor provides door to door trash collection weekly on Wednesday mornings. All refuse must be placed in a the provided containers and placed curbside by 7:00 a.m. for pickup.
At other times, trash may be taken to the Windsor Transfer Station located on Windsor Blvd. (Route 460) at the intersection of Stave Mill Road. This station will accept appliances, used motor oil, recyclables and yard debris. Household hazardous waste may be disposed of free of charge at the Isle of Wight Transfer Station, 13191 Foursquare Road, Smithfield on the third Friday of each month from 9 am to 12 noon. They accept paint, pesticides, antifreeze, fuels, hobby supplies, insecticides, herbicides, paint thinners and solvents, fertilizers, swimming pool chemicals, household cleaners and batteries.
The Town of Windsor has established a franchise agreement with Bay Disposal to provide door to door recycling collections. Please contact Bay Disposal at (757) 857-9700 for more information.
Drinking Water Reports
Other Documents
Utilities Disconnect Form 
EPA Lead and Copper Fact Sheet