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Declaration of a Local Emergency due to Severe Winter Weather
Declaration of a Local Emergency due to Severe Winter Weather
Local Emergency Proclamation



WHEREAS, due to the expectation of severe winter weather, the Town of Windsor is facing disaster conditions that may significantly impact the lives, health, and safety of residents, which necessitates the proclamation of the existence of an emergency; and,

WHEREAS, Section 44-146.21 of the Code of the Virginia provides for the declaration of a local emergency; and,

WHEREAS, Section 9-1 of the Code of the Town of Windsor provides for the emergency proclamation by the Mayor; and

WHEREAS, the Town of Windsor operates under the County of Isle of Wight’s approved Emergency Operations Plan.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT AND IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED that the Mayor of the Town of Windsor, Virginia does consent to the declaration of a local emergency due to the severe winter weather.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that during the existence of said disaster emergency the powers, functions, duties of the Director of Emergency Services for the County of Isle of Wight and other Town and County officers and employees having emergency responsibilities shall be those prescribed by the Plan and all applicable State and Federal law; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this proclamation is effective this date, and shall remain in effect until rescinded by the Town of Windsor as provided by law.

Adopted this 18th day of February 2025.
